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Yes, it is very rude. You might even call it unseemly, or perhaps uncouth. It's crapware, and it's coming to a computer near you, courtesy of the Redmond team

Crapware is a generic term for software an OEM installs on your new Windows-powered PC, or are installed along with other programs. It includes stuff like instant messengers, ISP 'trials' or sign-ups, anti-virus trialware or crippleware, and bundled software accompaning certain peripherals, including printers, cameras, and even mice and keyboards.

It is usually software you don't really need, and in many cases can impact on the performance of your computer. In some cases it can cause data loss, or serious system degradation.

The problem has become so serious, even Microsoft itself has expressed concern

In a discussion Tuesday night, (January 2007) at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the Microsoft official told CBC News Online, on condition of anonymity, that the world's largest software maker is frustrated by legal shackles that prevent the company from restricting what kinds of software major computer makers install on new PCs.
"We call them craplets," the official said.

What is more annoying is that some of the pre-installed software is difficult to eradicate, and may require use of third-party utilities to uninstall completely.

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