Modern Students and how to recognise them.

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Modern Students and how to regonise them

Modern Students and how to recognise them.
It is quite simple to regonise modern students that are at school and or College/University. School = Uniform, College/University = Fashion statements (meaning they are nearly identical in clothing type.)
School Uniform: It is very easy to recognise the student of a high/upper school in England, due to uniform. Uniform = Ties: Ties are the one thing that will make it possible to regonise what social status in school they have and possibly their year. Females: Female ties, or at least that of the mega popular/semi popular, are all concentrated on the knot of the tie. That of the mega popular girls tie, knot will be large, gigantic, and any other word you can think of or find in a dictionary meaning the same thing, it is quite possible you will only be able to see, a large knot. Unless you are concentrating hard, in which case you may see 5 mm of tie. That of the semi popular will be almost exactly the same however there will be 1 cm of tie. That of the non popular/boffins, will be small and nearly all the proper tie. Males: Will be almost like the semi-popular, or at least inbetween semi-popular and boffins, However if you come across a boy with a tie like those of popular girl, it is quite possible he has some gendar issues.
College/University: It is very possible and probably easier to tell a modern "just out of school" university student, You can tell they are students by them being: Drunk, disorderly [possibly both], wearing similar clothing to the latest thing they saw on eastenders last night, light backpacks/portfolios, skatboards/in-line skates, and the look of the disgustingly young and healthy. This is of-course if only they are not just getting new qualifications for a new non-boring job.
When looking through the eyes of a student, it is possible to do this if you are telepathic and/or out of your skull on whisky, you maybe surprised (If you are stuck in a dead end job) by the new, technicolour look of everything, apposed to the black and whiteness you may be used to if you are that of the cronically bored. Please do not be alarmed by this, they may loose the technicolour when bored, if you give them enough time and a mundane task. Say, making enough tea for the entire family, friends, and small strange aliens that might drop in from time to time. This is of course on of the most mundane tasks to give a being that isn't a coffee/tea machine.

This same entry, on it's orginal format, on this website [below] I apologise for my bad spelling, in both entries, I've got that little problem

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