Atmosfear !

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I had this nightmare last night which is a rare thing for me.I don't often dream, let alone dream of something scary.I have a friend who is 15 years my senior and he related to me a dream that he had. It was quite literal.He dreamt that someone broke into his house while he was sleeping (which really made it seem real) and proceeded to threaten him with a gun and a knife.He was within inches of being slaughtered when he awoke.My nightmare was quite different.I dreamed that a thoroughly evil person with near to supernatural powers was making threats to cause me harm.When he/it decided to follow through on causing me harm I saw my world melt away.I then had a strange sensation of falling as I fell through the world as it melted and shredded all around me. I was keenly aware of the evil, wolflike, hooked eye of this person/thing as I fell.That was the end of the dream and then I awoke. It didn't make much sense and it surely wasn't very realistic as my friend's dream was, but for some reason it still bothered me once I got up to face my day.I think dreams tell us something about ourselves and our nightmares are maybe the clues to the fact that we imagine we are vulnerable to outside forces, whatever or whoever they may be.

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