Ferris Buellers Day Off

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This is the story of one boys day off from high school. And what a day he has.

Matthew Broderick stars in the ultimate film of the eighties.

This film is better than "Wierd Science", better than "Back to the Future" and is probably the best film of all time.

The film centres around Ferris Buellers last sickie of the year (any more and the teachers might suspect him). He decides to go out in style and drags his best friend Cameron out of his sick bed to go on a day of adventure in the city.

Stopping only to pick up Ferris' girlfriend they hit the road in Camerons' fathers pride and joy - A red ferrari.

This film is fantastic. Its one of those films that you can watch over and over. A lot of the best gags are how the head teacher who is chasing Ferris and co. fails to spot him.

If you've not seen this, or fancy a little 80's nostalgia then rent the video tomorrow.

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