Pot Luck / Pot Latch / Pot Luch

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Pot lucks are meals where whatever is available in your cupboard or pot is offered to guests.

Pot Latch refers to grand feasts conducted by West Coast Aborigines in Canada where the host gives gifts and or smashes his own goods to display his wealth.
The two have merged over time in Canada and in many other parts of the world into the Pot Luch.

These events place a strong emphasis on the social aspect of hte dinning and is inherently a buffet. There are a few general guidelines.

1. All members of the respective gathering bring one dish of any course. These can fit a theme as determined by the host. Usually these are based on a dining technique or nationality. In addition the gathering is usually B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Beverage). Alcohol is a popular selection see
Beer & Wine

2. The respective guests gather at a pre-ordained time and place with their food and beverage.

3. All participants partake of the misshapen buffet and drink heavily.



You provide the facilities the eating utensils and all miscelaneous items that are essential. The better you plan the fewer items you need to bring. People have been granted access to gatherings by bringing utensils and plates for thirty or by being dish boy. It does take planning to avoid duplication and over stocking in certain courses. This usually entails initial contact and questioning those invited to find out what they are bringing. If by the time you have worked down the list the three barrels of potato salad are to much you go back and ask someone if they can bring something else and gently guide them toward a proper choice.


Bring what you committ to, talk to others find out if what your bringing is duplicating. Stick to theme if there is one. Most importantly bring enough for everybody.
The beauty of this is if it is applied to the alcohol.


If all goes well you have a grand feast with many leftovers. These are usually kept by the hosts minus the container. The hosts have to deal with the mess, and any drunk and disorderly conduct so it is the least a good friendly guest can do.

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