2 Conversations

University is suppoed to be all fun: Sex, drugs and rock and roll. I do not agree. How people can find the time and the money is beyond me. I have got the sex and i dont like drugs or rock and roll. But how people can out drinking and dancing every night amazes me. HOW Do THEY AFFORD IT????? 8-)
Especially considering the factors against us:
1) We are poor students
2) We only have a little Loan (rather than a grant which our predecessors recieved)which we will have to pay back in the end
3) we have too much work
I would just like to clarify that point...I have lots of work and I am only in the first the hell do others manage to have less than me and party every night?????!!!!!! :-( maybe law students get the most work i don't know but anyway...i suppose i should keep my head up and all that it could be worse, at least the planet has not been demoslished to make way for a hyper space by-pass or anything like that. ;-)

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