Created | Updated Mar 18, 2007
In my defense, let's look at that word first. Atrocious, you can spell it correctly, or you could spell it the way it sounds, atroshish. Either way you get the point across. The same is true with sentence structure. do you need to capitalize the first word in a sentence for it to make sense? The answer of course is no, otherwise you would not have been able to comprehend the previous sentance Furthermor the use of commas is equally unnecessary. there are very rare cases in which you need to use a comma but generaly you can comunicate your point without them. there are numerus other things i have used to back up my claim that teaching grammar is an incredible wast of time but go into them i will not. most of them are in the previous sentence and any mistakes are made on purpose to demonstraight mie point
Remember rules are made to be broked! how else could sertain pepol get elected to serten jobes when they cant even speek there native language? do not misunderestimate the power of speach It can meen many things to meny people and depending on how you use it you can add incredible wate to wat u r saying