"Post your Gif" image hosting.
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Okay. Everyone wants to have images on their pages, don't they? Of course they do.....
Right, you want a pic, but got no webspace? not a problem. We've got lots, and because we are the kind generous, community conscious people we are, we're going to let you borrow it . All you have to do, is send us your pic via email, and we'll post it onto our site within a few days, and e-mail you back the address and code you'll need to post it to your page. Couldn't be simpler!!!
Ahh... well maybe it could....
Okay, obviously, with a service like this, We can't just let everyone run riot and post hundreds of pics for one person, so yes, you've guessed it... we've decided to impose some restrictions.....
- You must confirm that you have copyright or it is copyright free. Failure to do so may delay the posting of your image to our websit. Should there be a dispute neither h2g2 or the h2g2 POST will take responsibility for any infringement and it may lead to the image being removed.
- Images must be under 100kb, and no more than 500kb in total can be allocated to any one researcher.
- We will not post anything of an offensive nature, or anything that goes against the rules/policies of h2g2.com.
- We reccomend that you only send files that are in .gif or .jpg format, although we will accept others. We reserve the right to change/alter the file extension if required.
Send your pics here: [email protected], Quoteing your Researcher number in the e-mail.
Meanwhile, if your in need of some animations fast, a good source to try is , or
This advice was brought to you by MadMunkPR