grilled cheese sandwiches

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In order to make a good grilled cheese sandwich, one must first buy one, or several if you can't wait for the one to finish before making another, toaster ovens. Place the toast face down. Ideally, figuring out which side of a toast is 'face down' should take up all your time and then i wouldn't have to give my secret away, but assuming you get past this stage, put a single slice of cheese on top of one slice. put lots of butter on the other. toast for about 5 minutes or until the bubbling cheese reminds you of that one time when you were trekking through the Maya Nebula. At that point, promptly remove the toast from the overn and slap the two slices together, hence reuslting in the perfect grilled cheese sandwich. Proceed to attempt to swallow these two slices of toast in a single bite. It is always handy to keep some water (the kind that's disguised as Beer) next to you in case the toast proves to be too big for your throat. A towel is also necessary to wipe the cheese off your face.

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