And Now the Musical Stylings of.....

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Int. A strange bicolored lobby

Lord Mike: (groggily waking up) Marian, these handcuffs are (opens his eyes) This isn't my bedroom.

Lady Marian: No it isn't.

Lord Mike: Is it your's?

Lady Marian: NO!

Voice: Of course not my, cluckies.

Lord Mike: Who the...

A thin and spindly man wearing red and green vest, shirt, pants, cape and hat walks out of the shadows

Voice: Let me introduce myself.

Lord Mike: Why don't you let me finish my lines first!?

Voice: Oh sorry, did I....

Lord Mike: Yes!

Voice: Oh I see. Well, please, do continue.

Lord Mike: No, now the moment's ruined.

Voice: Alright. Ahem, now let me introduce myself... I am The Pied Piper of Upper Low Hampton.

Lady Marian screams....

Lord Mike looks quizzically at the Pied Piper in an enigmatic fashion.

Lord Mike: How did we get here?

The Pied Piper pulls out a flute from his cape.

Pied Piper: Let's say, I persuaded you....

Lady Marian: Wait a second, if you're shackled and I'm shackled, who's going to save us?

Lord Mike: Well, I suppose Lance and Steven.

Lord Mike blinks

Lord Mike: Did I..?

Lady Marian: Yes.

Lord Mike: We're dead.

The Pied Piper who seemed to have gone for a coffee break because he has a cup of coffee in his hand that wasn't there before, walks down the stairs to the chairs.

Pied Piper: I doubt Lance and Steven will help you..

Lord Mike: I know they won't; they're always underfoot.

Pied Piper: That's not what I meant! Oh and narrator, read the script this is a cup of acid not coffee!

(coffee, acid whatever)

the Pied Piper tutes his flute and Steven and Lance walk out zombified.

Lady Marian: Hi Lance, Steven...

The Pied Piper laughs maniacally.


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