REFUGEE(Somalia)! My help

2 Conversations

Me! oh God knows how I felt when i first saw a Somalian refugee woman and her dying kid.At that movement I deduce that she was suffering from malnutriention.The both of them were deadly in need of help in Monrovia yesterday(March 12,2007),begging for life in Liberian dollar.

It reminds me of my time in exile as a refugee(,Danane,Cote'de Ivior,Buduburam refugee camp,Ghana).With all these times in exile God was doing what He had to do.My life didn't appear vividly in such a dehumanizing way the Somalian woman was.As my Dad was always receiving the salaries we needed from God daily,so at time the war was seem to me like one of those movies of the Amerian actor Chuck Norris,Rambo,Arnold,Smauel Jackson etc.

It appear to me one time that the war in Liberia was a war of completing the prophecies of Mother Dukuly and of old.A gorgeous Somalia woman whom i saw millions of Somalian through her begging eyes left me to beleive that the world and Life are VANITY!

We were full of life in Liberia,the 'Normal Days' as we say in Liberia these Days..I stronghly beleive with my spiritual insite,it give me points and illustrations that this woman and her kid(before the kid was born)had had a good life just like me.But today here she is before a crowd of Liberians and people of diferent origin and back grounds of this world witnessing her as she reduce to nothing before their naked eyes.

My attractiont of her came from diferent directions. i have just past a gray cheroke jeep and few taxi caps across the road, some puting passenger down at about afternoon time,around 1:25pm.When i approach the crowd,the site was not suprise,some Liberians have gone through similar situations,in other countries.The lengh of her neck and that of her kid draw me to her.With all the test of time in her life and her Country,i could tell that is still beautiful,her eyes didn't allow her to deny that from me. Her smiles return when i was curious to know about her from the countless human beings that made a triangler dicispline around her.Life was in those smiles away from the guns sound in Somalia.She was happy on Randall Street in Monrovia asking and sometime receiving and at time left with shame.

She was an African like me and live on a continent that is
housing me.And we breathe the same air in Liberia and Africa at large.I learn about Somalia war on TV in the 80s in Liberia grown up as a child.To see one!was a dream come true for me!Her complexion was no different from the Ethopian UNMIL troops(United Nations Mission in Liberia) and bright like the moor from Libya(not part of the mission) or the Berber of Morocco(not part of the mission) but she carry their complexion.She was not black in complexion like me,but like my President,Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.The first Female president in Africa.

Her hair was extremely amazing!A curly black and long hair,with a small mouth and a lip of beautiful.Her present made me understand the vast diversity of African beauties across the continent.It was this beauty i beleive that pleases the heart and thinking of Dr.Kwame Nkrumah, a idea that move his country Ghana through him to gain back her long lost status from a cruel generations of mankind.

As she was sitting on the bare floor of the side walk while her innocent kid was awaking by my share of her daily needs that God has provided in me that day.
Monday on March 12,2007 was fast moving,and some of the people were confuse when i render her my assistance,with a one litter orange juice and a $20.00Liberian dollars.I targeted my gifts for the Kid at first and later the mother.

In her eyes she wanted me picture her sorries and the risk she's taking to educate her child to a life that will not benefit her neither her country(a beggar educations)But when she look into my eyes,she saw hope for the future,a people of concience,she knew immediately i was once a refugee before,and today I remember my days through her eyes.
As she was begging at my door to let her in as a representative of her people,my heart was touch deep down my soul!And that part that was touch was so voiceless to the world at this time.A answer to her royal question that was easy for the world to understand,lies in here today to be acted upon.

I heard my self saying to a fellow 'Liberia wants to help;Will they accept us like others did for us?

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