A short discussion about Boots the Chemists, also the conundrum of Moisturiser

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Larger branches of Boots Chemists have several entrances. This is fine. This is splendid. Choice is a wonderful thing. But why is it that whichever one you pick, the first thing you always come to is the cosmetics department? Is there some clever technological trick in operation, an interdimensional portal, that catapults you into a dazzlingly lit, overpoweringly scented world of shiny things, no matter which door you use? It's not nice; if I want to have my retinas scorched, I can stare at the sun, and if I want to smell like an air freshener all day, I can get a job in an air freshener factory. Please; I only wanted to buy a sandwich. Shouldn't the wonderful mechanism that delivers me blinking and disorientated into Expensively Marketed Product Hell be used for a more useful purpose, like, well, anything, really?
And while we're on the subject of cosmetics, what is the female obsession with moisturiser? As far as I can make out, the term moisturiser is a catch-all term for overpriced, slimy gunk for smearing on the face and other body parts, resulting in no detectable change in skin qualities. (Although 43% of women always report a significant improvement after as little as 30 days use. [nb, a single bottle/tube/tub/pump action dispenser lasts considerably less than 30 days; reason; the manufacturer is keen for you to buy another one]) Men don't need moisturiser, why should women? Answer; they don't. Use water, it's cheaper and works just as well. Honest. Research has been done on this subject. And ruthlessly suppressed by...; guess who?

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