
4 Conversations

If you're a parent, your kid is probably talking about Pokémon. If you're a kid, your friends are talking about Pokémon. If you're neither, you're free of Pokémon. However, to someone who doesn't know what Pokémon is, the people around you talking about Pokémon sound like they're reciting Vogon poetry. So here's the scoop:

Pokémon started as a video game made by a small company in Japan. The game sold millions of copies there, and so the company decided to take a venture by bringing it to the States. Pokémon themselves are "pocket monsters" trained to fight, and the point is to catch all 150 of these monsters. The game has so far sold millions of copies in the US, too. And so the game series spawned a TV show, a card game, tons of toys, a movie, and more from over 90 licensees altogether.

Some popular Pokémon names you might hear from your kids/friends:

Pikachu, the most popular of all. He's a little, yellow mouse who shoots sparks from his cheeks.

Jigglypuff, a cute, baloonlike monster that can put other monsters to sleep.

Charizard, a lizardish dragon who has the most expensive Pokémon card, valued at up to $200.

Mewtwo, the most powerful Pokémon who takes on human characteristics, and also is the star Pokémon of the low-rated movie.

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