Willow Rosenberg (pt1)
Created | Updated Jan 30, 2005
Willow Rosenberg Willow was born in Sunnydale to parents Sheila and Ira, their only child she was raised in a Jewish home. Willow has been best friends with Xander their entire lives, she was hopelessly in love with him and they briefly dated when they were 5, but broke up when he stole her Barbie. When Buffy arrived in Sunnydale, Willow was a quiet, studious girl who was a whiz with computers. Buffy's arrival turned that on its head. Following advice from Buffy, Willow met and left The Bronze with a guy who turned out to be a vampire, in an effort to think about any other boy than Xander. Although she is a geek, Willow still manages to turn a few heads. Her Halloween costume causes a guitarist named Oz to pose the question, "Who's that girl" on more than one occasion. An answer he finally gets when they begin dating, although she is not over Xander. When Willow discovers that Oz is a werewolf, she stands by him making sure he locks himself away on the nights he changes and bringing him breakfast the following morning. Willow's magical ability has also gotten her into trouble. When children are found murdered, the town goes on a witch hunt and she is almost burnt at the stake by the adults of the town, including her own mum. Although she started out as shy and timid, Willow is a strong character, when kidnapped by Faith and held as bait, she manages to steal important pages from the Books of Ascension so that they may research the Mayors plan in more depth. When the Mayor does ascend, she is on the front line, risking her own life to help Buffy kill him. Willow's studious nature means she has been accepted to almost every university in the country and a few in Europe too, but she decides the best place for her is in Sunnydale with her friends. She also feels the Hellmouth is the best place for her to advance her magic. What does college life have in store for Willow? |