Recorder Music On Line

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Hi I hope that this page in the guide will become a useful database for finding recorder music on the internet. Any sites that I have used will be graded with a sytem of # symbols.
# Poor
# # Average
# # # Excellent

(I have down loaded and played 3 pieces from this site.Agnus Dei from Mozart's Corination Mass, Rossini's Sonata pour Archi 1 and Toru Takemitsu's Chiisana Sora{Small Sky}.All the scores and parts have been clearly written and most of the pieces have a midi file to accompany them.A vast chioce by well known composers.)# # #

(Although I have not played any of the pieces on this site with a recorder group I have listened to most of the accompanying midi files and found some lovely pieces. All the works are by the composer Herb Wurtzel with easy to read scores.)# #

(This site contained music by several cvontempary composers and arrangers.The midi files are available with only a few of the pieces and the scores were pretty difficult to read.But some of the pieces do deserve to be played as the music is quite beautiful.)# #
(I have not tried this site myself but it was recomended to me by a friend. Some off the pieces are free to down load but there is a daily limit.A subscription to the site makes all pieces free to down load.Will review this in more detail as soon as possible.)

I hope that other H2G2 users will post to my H2G2 space if they know of any other web sites (Preferably with a short review). I will up date the site as often as possible to include all contributions.
Thank you Bruinbear.

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