Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut

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This is probably the most valuable lesson I've learned in life. Or the most valuable lesson that the more 'common sense' orientated areas of my brain have learned, while the area that actually controls my mouth has conveniently ignored it.

The thing that worries me is that one of my friends is now actually, basically writing a book of all the stupid things I've said. He says he's known me that long, that there must be tens of thousands of warped thoughts that he's forgotten. That considered he's managed to collect 88 quotes in the last month. (Of course, when I find this fabled book, I will burn it and make him eat the ashes.)

The book, lovingly titled, 'Stupid Things That Chloe Has Said.' has said (by a number of reliable resources), to contain such gems of my unknowing stupidity as, 'I could've SWORN that Santa was in the Mafia.' And a long-winded account of my first encounter with cake mix (For more details, see entry on THE CAKE MIX INCIDENT).

It's these little things in life that eventually teach you to keep your mouth shut. Because people WILL laugh at you and continue to laugh at you for a very long time (often, even, years), after you say something as stupid, as the stuff I say on a daily basis without even realizing it.

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