Rubix Cubes

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<p>These small and <b>seemingly</b> harmless cubes are one of the most annoying and frustating things ever conceived by the human mind. Baasically it is a cube with16 dots on each side in six different colours. The idea is to make each side all one colour by making a series of twisting and turning movements, due the the celular basing of the cube there are many different movements. Like I said before this is <b>seemingly</b> easy, but after spending many hours twisting and turning to get all but two sides done only to find that I have to wreck the whole thing make those to sides whole, I have come to fear them.</p>
<p>I am currently attempting a Darth Maul rubix cube which although essentially the same idea is meant to be much harder (well when I say attempting I have recently locked it ina drawer to stop it jeering at me). I would advise any prospective visitor to at least try one of these puzzles, but be warned there s nothing more degrading than being out witted by a small lump of plastic.</p>

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