Proper usage of the word f**k

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Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English language today is the word f**k. Out of all the English words that begin with the letter f, f**k is the only word that is referred to as "the f word." It's the one magical word that just by it's sound can describe; pain, pleasure, hate, and love.

F**k, as most words in the English language is derived from German, the word frichen, which means to strike. In English, f**k falls into many grammatical categories...
As a transitive verb: John f****d Shirley.
As an intransitive verb: Shirley f***s.

It's meaning is not always sexual...
As an adjective: John is doing all the f*****g work.
As part of an adverb: Shirley talks too f*****g much.
As an adverb enhancing an adjective: Shirley is f*****g beautiful.
As a noun: I don't give a f**k.
As part of a word: abso-f*****g-lutly or in-f*****g-credible.
As almost every word in a sentence: F**k the f*****g f**kers.

As you must realize, there are not very many words with the versatility of f**k, as in these examples describing situations such as...
Fraud: I got f****d at the used car lot.
Dismay: Aww f**k it.
Trouble: I guess I'm really f****d now.
Aggression: Don't f**k with me buddy.
Difficulty: I don't understand this f*****g question.
Inquiry: Who the F**k was that?
Dissatisfaction: I don't like what the f**k is going on here.
Incompetence: He is a f**k up.
Dismissal: Why don't you go outside and play hide and go f**k yourself?

I am sure you can think of many more examples. With all these multi-purpose applications how can anyone be offended when you use the word? I say use this unique and flexible word more often in your daily speech, it will identify the quality of your character immediately. Say it loudly, and proudly; F**k You.

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