The Sisters of Mercy

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UK band 1980 - present, formed in Leeds.

Past and present members include

Andrew Eldritch - Vocals
Wayne Hussey - Guitar
Gary Marx - Guitar
Craig Adams - Bass
Patricia Morrison - Bass
Andreas Bruhn - Guitar
Doktor Avalanche - Drums


First and Last and Always
Gift (The Sisterhood)
Vision Thing

Some Girls Wander by Mistake ('hits' collection)
A Slight Case of Overbombing (more 'hits')
Some Boys Wander by Mistake (non album and obscure tracks)

Several (loads) of live bootleg albums some of which are v.good indeed.

Wake - Live video of last performance of the original Sisters at Royal Albert Hall, London.

Covers of songs by other artists

Jolene - Dolly Parton
Emma - Hot Chocolate
Gimme Gimme Gimme - Abba
Knockin' on Heavens Door - Bob Dylan
Gimme Shelter - Rolling Stones
Ghostrider - ?The Lemonheads
Sister Ray - Velvet Underground
Louie Louie - The Kingsmen
Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd
Silver Machine - Hawkwind

Touring; pretty much continually
Releasing albums; Not often

...this is just to start putting some structure together - more soon - Advice and info gratefully rec'd

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