The 'DISTURBANCE' Conspiracy

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<star> The 'Disturbance' Conspiracy is more true than any fact written within any historical document & has very much siezed control of a large portion of all our lives. Notice that whenever you're planning to carry out an important task or are in the process of doing it, someone or something ALWAYS comes up to 'DISTURB' you & thus forcing you to stop from doing whatever it is you're doing or want to do. At first you may think of it as coincidence, but through time you will start seeing it my way. You will begin to realize that there is always something happening to prevent you from doing your schoolwork, or completing your office assignment, or eating your food while it's still hot. Look at me for example. I get DISTURBed 110 times within 1 month. 75% of the DISTURBance occur when I'm reading (books, newspapers, Koran,etc). I always get DISTURBed when I'm reading. The Conspiracy's power is so great that it has taken control of my own family. My mother, my father, my brother & my sister... they've all become servants of the Conspiracy. Within our home, they're the ones carrying out the Conspiracy's work, always disturbing me whenever I plan to do or am doing something. How do I know? Simple... they NEVER bothered me when I have nothing to do or have no intention/plan to do anything. But just when I do... they're already up & ordering me to do plenty useless errands. Errands that they could do by themselves or aren't even worth doing at all. Sometimes they would INTENTIONALLY cause a problem & ask me to solve it for them. & they just love to DISTURB me while I'm reading. They always DISTURB me while I'm reading. They also love to DISTURB me while I'm watching television, listening to the radio, talking & listening (in a conversation), doing work, eating, & resting. THESE are evidence enough.

What about you? <fullmoon>

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