The Complete Guide to Rock Music

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One of the most popular musical genres for the 20th century and for the foreseeable future. Difficult to define due to the large amount of sub genres within it. But Steven Tyler of Aerosmith comes close with:

"Rock 'n' roll is sexuality personified. It is attitude. It is all the things that your parents told you not to do. It's the freedom to express yourself. It's being alive. It expresses the times. It's a magazine, a newspaper that tells the truth. If you listen to rap today, it's all about the truth. And that's what we all want. Just give me a little truth."

The Beginings

The start of rock could be conceived to be in the 1950's with the birth of rock and roll. However, its roots lie much deeper than that. Three genres inspire most forms of rock. These are Blues, Country and Jazz. Blues and Jazz originated from African slaves brought to America in the late 1800's. Where as country music was primarily developed by poor white Americains. It's for this reason perhaps that rock has a strong bond to poverty, struggle against oppression and the ideal of freedom.

Rhythm 'n' Blues

The term "Rhythm and Blues" was coined in 1947 by Jerry Wexler as a replacement for the terms "race music" "sepia music" and "Harlem Hits Parade" during a reorganization of the Billboard charts. There is no clear definition of what Rhythm and Blues is and how it differs from the Blues. However, the term seems to describe the sophiscated urban music that grew from the blues. Prominent artists in this genre include Loius Jordan, Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry and Ike and Tina Turner.


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