September 11
Created | Updated Nov 9, 2003
Yes- but not for the reasons you probably think.
First off what this entry is NOT:
It does not refer to US foriegn policy, including the invasion of Iraq
It is not about Terrorist groups, and why they are, or are not more of a threat
This is about other, perhaps more dangerous effects.
Firstly, I refer to a recent report by Privacy International (as well as other partners) called "silenced" which is about internet censorship worldwide. Accoding to its findings, Governments in many areas (particularly Asia and Africa) are cracking down on free speech (particularly where the Net is concerned) thanks to the "apparent Imminent threat" of terrorism since September 11. The report is avalible at
We are told that western nations were targeted "because the terrorists hate our freedom", if that is the case, why are those whom claim to be acting against the terrorists doing their job for them, by killing freedom? The war on terror seems to be good cover for a covert war on freedom.
The report is very depressing in the number of Countries that have killed of liberties generaly, although its focus is on the internet, and I suggest that eveyone has a look.
Now why is this important, some more right wing and ignorant readers will ask, well, Im getting to that, but to understand, I will first have to explain "Ijtihad"
If you think that sounds a little close to Jihad, then your correct in its origin, it is an islamic term, meaning The Personal persuit of wisdom. Those imams that preach Ijtihad support personal interperatations to Religon, culture, and well, everrything. As you can see, Free, unhindered, speech is a requirement for Ijtihad.
But lets look at the countries where "The doors to Ijithad are firmly closed" (As put by an American Imam on the Austrralian Broadcasting corportation's "Compass" programme ( ), we see Pre-Taliban Afganistan, Iran, and North Korea, amoungst many others.
These "most dangerous countries in the world" our political leaders assure us, and they seem to be linked to those whom dont let people think for themselves.
So, I suggest, just drawing lines between the rest of the dots here, that those that are curtailing freedoms now, are the next countries to be refered to in an "axis of Evil" like term.
If were serious about killing this stuff off, we need to stop it now. Removing Liberites = Danger to Democracy in 5 years time.
Or as a Wise man once put it: Absolute power corrupts absolutely.