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Vids, as the title suggests is a video review program which is currently on 4 later, channel 4 on around 1 am in England. As it is on 4 Later it is no ordinary Video Review program. Vids is hosted by a Welsh and Scotish "tossers"(as the like to call themselves) called Nigel Buckland and Stef Gardiner, who seem to like dressing in Black Suits all the time. Set1 in there flat in a run down area of Scotish, the sets are normally very filthy2.

Every week they review around 6 videos in their unique style of silly yet serious intellectual analysis showing a vast knowledge of film trivia from their obvious interest in watching horror, Kung Fu and porn films. A typical show consists of around 6 videos from a selection of 5 types (Horror, violence, "real teen lives" films, pornography and terrible real life adventure docufilms.)

The best episodes were the ones from the previous series featuring Jackie Chan films. Typical antics include been as naked as possible, pretending to be mad (they are very good at this) and re-enacting scenes from famous films or the ones they are reviewing. (See footnote on sets.) All together a great watch consisting of a enlarged vocabulary and more violence and gore then you can shake a stick at form the two Welsh Men who are like Jonathan Ross and Speed.

Vids, out on Friday Morning at any slightly unrepeatable TV screen near you. Watch It!

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1The First Series was set in a Video shop, which was blown up by some mad man chasing them. The episode featuring Blair Witch Project was set in a Wood.2 Filthy toilets not filthy Women
1The First Series was set in a Video shop, which was blown up by some mad man chasing them. The episode featuring Blair Witch Project was set in a Wood.2 Filthy toilets not filthy Women

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