Mr Bungle

2 Conversations

Mr Bungle is not a band you would want to listen to under the influence of psycedelic drugs, or maybe you would, if you do get ready for one hell of a trip. Quite possibly the most wacked band to grace across the music scene. Combining The Beatles 'Revolution #9' and 'I am the Walrus' with the Doors 'The End' a good heavy dose of LSD and a completely random thought or two. The lead singer of the american band Faith no More, Mike Patton, heads this band with his trusty bassist Trevor Dunn, the guitarist Trey Spruance, drummer Danny Heifetz, and horns played by Bar. Of course they all play keyboards to completely fill in the sound which is very rich and hard to listen to all of it at the same time. Anyone intrested in the band should check out there website at definatly worth listening to if you enjoy the truly weird.

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