Love, and where it takes us...

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Love is a well referenced emotion... sitting somewhere between the taste of an expensive chocolate and the dark, bitter feeling of an empty soul. But how many people have experienced love? Does one person's love feel the same as another's? Is it even possible for love to be defined?

The person I loved, wasn't the person I was able to get along with.

So, I discovered the hard way that love is not the fairytale ideal that Disney movies would have us believe. It's not an all-empowering emotion which enables us to cheat death and live happily ever after. Some would even say it's a pain in the keyster.

Today, love is no loger in my life. The person I am closest to is living in Canada, while I'm still stuck in New Zealand, trapped with the unresolved feelings I wasn't able to acknowledge while she was here. Pained, by knowing that there is nobody else that I've already met, who can make me feel the same way as she did.

The sun shines bleaker without her, birds aren't as cheerful, food fails to sweeten the tongue, and even the concept of sex is now uninspiring.

But all I have are these two hands, and hope in my heart. Hope that I will feel love again. Either for her, or another heavenly body descended into my depths to lift me brighter than before. One day.

Of that I can hope. And so hope, I shall.

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