How to make Laura stop Laughing
Created | Updated Nov 6, 2003
How to make Laura stop laughing
Welcome this site is all about how my special technique to stop a girl by the name of Laura*, laughing*.
My aim here at the guide is to teach people who have not genetically acquired* the prowess to stop Laura laughing to be able to recieve this unique power that if to be valued it would come to quite a remarkable sum*.
The process conists of two simple steps, though both have the potential to f*** up your. The first step is to change your name to Steve-0, this does not need to be official, as it works and my name is not officially Steve-0*, the second is harder and more likely to f*** up your life so listen carefully: Gain a reputation as a perv, yes, you heard me right a perv. Now go and do that.
Welcome back now you are able to stop Laura laughing, when she is in one of her laughing fits walk up to her and say "Hello, Laura" or anything else to make her aware of your presence. She will immediately stop laughing, turn around and give you the finger. Good, hey. Yes this may f*** up your life but it's well worth it