'Frosty Sez' Posters

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During my high school years, some friends and I spent some (i.e. too much) time doodling in a French workbook that someone had. There was a section of it that was composed of line drawings, to which we would add our own... contributions. An extra arm here, a Grim Reaper there, and so on.

One of our running gags throughout the book was the 'Frosty Sez' poster added into the background of a drawing. Overall, we added roughly fourteen different posters, each consisting of Frosty the Snowman telling people to do some politically incorrect thing. For the most part, they weren't vulgar, but they really weren't the type of thing you'd want to have to explain to your grandparents when they come to visit.1 Eventually, I decided to draw several full-sized Frosty posters to take with me to college. At this point, four different posters have been created, with a fifth in the works. Most recently, I have drawn two of the posters on my computer using the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP).

Hopefully, the powers that be will eventually make it so that I can copy these new posters onto my h2g2 page. If and when that occurs, I'll try to build a Frosty Sez gallery for everyone to enjoy.

1 For example, some of the sayings are "Burn, Pillage, Plunder!" "Bite people at random!" "Tear your clothes off in public!" and so on.

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