Internet Gaming fanatics: one of life's pests

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Life on Earth is hectic at times, but one of the things that is valued most is work. Work and getting on with one's workmates. But there are some who don't get on as well because they appear to be talking jibberish! For instance, if you heard the following line at work, what would you think?
"It was great! He didn't even see the grenade. He walked right over it and BOOM! Redefined wallpaper, man, it was great. Then I pulled the submachinegun, round the corner, nailed his pal's arse to the wall. Then the turret guns opened up, so I had to move fast. Swung across the gap in a hail of fire, dumped the timer charge under the turret, ran for it, hid under a truck and BOOM!"

Well, this can happen! Because some people at work are GAMING FANATICS. They go home of an evening,connect to the internet and play computer games. This is great, many people do this. But raving on and on about it afterwards is a sin. Is this some kind of dissatisfaction with life? Are they stuck beyond reality? Or are they just very sad people with nothing else in their life? Whatever the reason, gaming fanatics remain as big a problem on earth as pollution or the ozone layer.

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