Words of Wisdom

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Do your best; you cannot do better than that.

Live each day as if it is your last.

Never put off until tomorrow what you should do today, or should have done yesterday or the day before yesterday.

If you cannot say something nice, do nor say anything at all.

Count to 100 and then start swearing.

Five things to remember:
Pray to God every day,
Speak the truth,
Keep clean,
Work hard,
Do something for somebody else.

Early to bed and early to rise,
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

If you are a writer with writer's block, go for a walk, do your chores or visit the library to find some new ideas.
It is best to write when the muse is upon you and when you have something new, interesting or inspiring to write about.

When you are young, think about what you want to achieve in life, then make a plan and carry it out. Write what you would like to see in your obituary.

Discuss all the above with your family and friends and teachers.

Make To Do lists each day/week/month/year to help you plan your time in the universe.

Have brain storming sessions with your family, friends and colleagues to see what you can achieve together.

Eat a healthy diet, with fresh cereal and milk for breakfast, fruit, vegetables, mineral water and enough protein for muscles including your heart muscle, vitamins and minerals for nerves, bones, teeth, skin and metabolic enzymes.

Love and best wishes to all my family and friends,
from Susan Mary Robertson.

Never do anything you would not want your family, friends or boss or God to know about!

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