the travelling painter

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Hi there, and thanks for checking out my page.

I am a painter/decorator, originally from England, and now working my way around the world. I have 17 years experience in seven countries, so I guess I should know what I'm doing, and right now I'm heading towards the east coast of the USA to see if the recent hurricanes have made any work for me.

It could be that you need some work doing at your place. New projects, remodelling, renovation and straight forward re-painting - I've done it all. I take a pride in doing the job right, I work quickly, I hate mess and I work 60 hours or more a week. (So that I can then take time off to travel around this beautiful country of yours.)

One thing I should make clear is that I'm not cheap. I'm no more expensive than anyone else who works to the same standards, but a lot of people seem to think that because I'm working my way around the world (and I'm young looking) that I will work for peanuts.

This is not the case.

I am a skilled, hardworking and professionally trained person. I have to pay for my own insurances and healthcare. I provide all the tools and equipment I need to do my work. And I expect to be paid a fair day's wage for a fair day's work. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you need some work doing and don't mind paying the going rate for quality work then I am available in the first week of November, for 4-6 weeks. So click here to email me and I'll get back to you soon.

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