Kelloggs Cornflakes

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No man has changed the way we eat breakfast more than WILL KEITH KELLOGG (1860-1951), inventor of the now legendary kelloggs cornflake. During the early 1890s he and his brothers carried out numerous experiments in preparing cereal grains in various ways, hitting on a method of rolling cooked wheat mush into flakes; oven toasting the flakes yielded a tasty and pleasantly crunchy breakfast food of high nutritional value.

After further experiments and the development of a new flaked product made from corn, a less easily worked grain, Will Kellogg organized in 1906 the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company, which shortly thereafter became the W. K. Kellogg Company, and launched an ambitious national advertising campaign to promote cornflakes, not merely as a health food but as a healthful, enjoyable, and above all convenient breakfast food for everyone.

The Kelloggs cornflake has remained a nations favourite till this day along with a wide range of other cereals such as frosties, coco-pops and of course, rice krispies. One of the major plus points in favour of the cornflake is its ease of preparation. A bowl, some milk, a spoon, sugar(as preferred) and a box of cornflakes is all one needs in the morning to kickstart the day. And due to the nutritional value of the cereal you can scoff as many bowls as you like without fear of turning into a lardarse.

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