Wales v England, reputation

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Hello, Prince Monyn here. Throughout time countries and nations have had reputations. Scotts wear kilts and talk in an unrecognisable accent, The Irish are thick and drink a lot and Americans are fat, rude and smoke cigars. But what to say about Wales? Well, the stereotypical Welshman should love sheep, play rugby, drink, work down a mine and wear one of those black bandannas. The reality is, though, very different.
Now welsh business men are the main rugby-goers. You can see them turning up in their thousands to our very own Cardiff Arms Park ( which is much better than Wembley- at least you can see the pitch ) and hundreds of young welsh women turn up in their small welsh-flag dresses and energetically wave their flags about. But I'll shut up about rugby because we lost recently (but not by as much as the English, and that last try was an obvious knock on AND ...) .
If we look at the reputation of Wales, then, it has got better in the last hundred years. But if we look at the reputation of England, it has actually got worse in the last hundred years. There used to never be a civilisation better and more civilised than the English, now foreign barmen dread to serve them, stewardesses containing English passengers have to wear wrist guards and riots are regular in English football matches.
The welsh are also crowding round the table of stardom. Tom Jones, Shirley Bassely, Catatonia and the matic street preachers to name but a few. And at least one out of every five English pop group members are welsh. Now lets look at England’s stars:

As I thought, a few carriage returns full of nothing. Even England's most popular celebrities aren’t English. For instance, Des Linam is Irish and Even the Queen isn't fully English. So there you have it, Wales, one again, beat England on this subject.

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