The Ten Commandments - Of Juggling

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For all those who juggle - learners and experts alike - it is important to remember the Ten Commandments, and keep them in mind throught-out.

1. Juggling is the activity that brought thee out of boredom.
2. Thou shalt have no other activities before juggling.
3. Thou shalt not practice new tricks in front of a paying audience.
4. Remember your juggling performances and keep them holy.
5. Honour your audience so that thy hours may be long on stage.
6. Thou shalt not murder the punchline of thy jokes.
7. Thou shalt not be an adult.
8. Thou shalt not steal other peoples' routines.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against other performers
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's props nor shalt thou covet thy neighbor's assistant nor his juggling partner.

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