Flippin' Brilliancy

2 Conversations

How is it that any normal person is able to gain vast expanses of knowledge in just a short period of time? How is it that one person can be smarter than almost everybody else? What is intelligence in the first place? It can all be measured on the "Flippin' Brilliant Scale" or FBS. How it works is simple, easy, relatively painless, and goes a little bit like this: the more that you are like me, the more intelligent you are. How does this work? Obviousely none of you have even ever heard my name, and if you did, it was somebody else. One of the things that you need to be able to do to be intelligent is to be able to tackle problems and adapt, so by trying to take on the personality of another person is a great way to make your brain more flexible, and open to many ideas, making it so that your brain is able to "soak up" large quantities of information. So now that ive told you to be like me, do this, go outside and do something incredibly stupid. I dont care what, but do it, just make sure that it is something that will be truly memorable, then you read on.

You see, it works like this. I am here to tell you about stuff that I have researced, and I figured that it would be fun to try this out. Recently scientist have found out that a flexible mind is 90% more likely to gain and retain information, and take in and begin to rationalise information, and opinion. According to them, a mind can become more flexible by doing stuff that does not come naturally to you, so, if you usually go outside and do something dumb, instead, try to do something intelligent, like read on.

Now here is a shocker that might test your minds flexibility: there is no time. Yes, thats right, there is no time. But how can that be? I have a nifty clock on my computer that tells me the time. Time must be real. Right? WRONG! Time is just a measurement, kind of like a meter (Dumb Americans! (I can say that, I am American) Whats up with the inches and feet anyways?). The only thing is, time isnt real. It is just something that we have made up, to give us an idea how far along we are on the meter stick. Except its not like that at all, time is just a measurement, for well time, except once again, time is not real. Time is just relative, its just something to prove to us that we are flowing through our lives. It is just there so that we know when to work, when to sleep, and when to do nothing, like I am kind of doing now.

Now that you have tried to wrap your brain around one of the most radical ideas that you have heard so far today (if you havent visited other parts of the site that is), go out into the street, steal a car, return it five minutes later, and then try to find out why the sky is blue, it will all make sense eventually.

Good luck in your journey through the realm called intellegence.

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