Happy Hardcore

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This is a type of fast paced dance music which evolved from the hardcore tunes of the early 1990's, it is mostly British in origin and is generally listened to by people aged between 15 and 25.
Happy hardcore is usually played at large events called 'raves' where thousands of like minded people get together in order to listen to music, take recreational drugs (eg Ecstacy, about which there has been much argument) and dance like crazy.
Purveyors of the music are know as DJ's, the most well known being Slipmatt, Hixxy, Sy, Brisk, Vinyl Groover, Dougal, Vibes etc, etc.
The 'raves' are given names such as "Hardcore Heaven", "Helter Skelter", "United Dance" and "Slammin Vinyl".
If you wish to listen to this form of music it can usually be found on pirate radio stations such as Addiction FM in London, there are also many compilation albums which have been released by the main rave organisations and record lables, record shops stocking this include 'Elite' in London 'Slammin' Vinyl' in Kingston and 'Essential Vinyl' in Northampton.

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