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Chocolate Nemesis

675g of bitter chocolate, 10 whole eggs, 575g caster sugar, and 450g
unsalted butter. Beat the eggs with 1/3 of the sugar until the quantity
quadruples; dissolve the remaining sugar into a syrup with hot water; place
the chocolate and butter into the syrup and combine over heat, allow to cool
slightly; add the chocolate syrup to the eggs, pour into a cake tin, place in a
bainmarie of hot water and bake for 40-60 minutes

Leave to become completely cold before turning out. Serves 10-12.
Hospitalisation optional. To get it just perfect watch while it is cooking.

Nemesis - the goddess of retribution and vengeance

Loonytunes - the hungry warlock

Low-fat chocolate brownie recipe :

4 ounces unsweetened chocolate
1/2 cup prune puree (see below)
3 large egg whites
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup chopped walnuts

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat an 8-inch square baking pan with
vegetable cooking spray. Cut chocolate into 1-inch pieces and place in
heatproof bowl. Melt chocolate in double boiler or microwave oven. Stir
occasionally until chocolate is melted. Remove from heat; set aside. In
mixer bowl, combine all ingredients except flour and walnuts; beat to
blend thoroughly. Mix in flour. Spread batter in prepared pan; sprinkle with
walnuts. Bake about 30 minutes until springy to the touch about 2 inches
around edges. Cool on rack. Cut into 25 squares.

Prune puree: Combine 1 1/3 cups (8 ounces) pitted prunes and six
tablespoons hot water in container of food processor; puree until smooth.
Makes one cup. Keep prune puree refrigerated for up to two months in a
tightly sealed container.

[Source: The American Dietetic Association/National Center for Nutrition
and Dietetics]

My own alteration to this - substitute some of the hot water in the prune
puree for Grand marnier or similar rich liquour for a more decadent - but
still pretty healthy - brownie.


8oz Unsweetened Baking Chocolate
2 sticks Butter
4 Eggs
1 1/2 t Vanilla
Splash (or more) Liqueur (Grand Marnier, Amaretto, etc.)
1/2 t Molasses (or Dark Cane Syrup for those of you anti-molasses lot)
2 2/3 c White Sugar (or Brown)
Pinch Salt
1 c Chopped Nuts (I prefer Pecans)
1 scant c White Flour

Preheat your oven to 325. Grease a 9x13 pan. In a double-boiler, melt
butter and chocolate. In a large bowl, mix eggs, vanilla, liqueur and
molasses. Blend in the sugar and salt, then add the butter/chocolate
mixture. Stir in the nuts of your choice. Finally, gently fold in the flour.
Spread it in the greased pan and cook for 20 minutes.


Gw7en High Priestess

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