Johannesburg-City of The Night

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Deep in the heartland of the South African Highveld, 5 hrs from the nearest coastline lies the city that makes South Africa tick ....Johannesburg.
It truly is the most important city in South Africa. Apart from the vibrant and bustling criminal community, it is undoubtedly the most productive city in SA (actually, its incredibly productive for the criminal community too)

The weather is incredible, which leads me to the first thing ill point out about Johannesburg-its incredible sporting facilities, such as Ellis Park and the Wanderers cricket stadium.

Even though Johannesburg is better known as an economic city, theres plenty of stuff to keep you busy during day, most notably its shopping malls in the north of the city.
MOst notably Sandton City is perhaps the best Centre in the southern hemisphere, and even thoug its a bit pricey, any hitchiker worth his towel will visit it.
There are some historical places to visit like gold reef city in the south (its got a great theme park too!!), but if you have the cash it is better to stay in the northen areas, mainly due to the fact that there is a lot less crime there!!Trust me when I say this, you do not want to be walking round Central Johannesburg in the middle of the night-especially if you like your watch/jewellry/wallet/clothes...

Johannesburg really comes to life at night though with perhaps the most vibrant night life in South Africa. Starting with its world-famous E.S.P rave club, which plays some excellent tunes all night(and sometimes during the day too).
Theres the Rosebank district where some of the trendiest posers go to chill, as well as Midrand, about 15 kms from Central Johannesburg, where a couple of the countries top cluns are situated.
The Randburg Waterfront (dont ask how there can be a waterfront 500km's from the coast) is also a trendy place with several ultra-popular watering holes. Then, for the super-posh and those who want to see and be seen, there is the Ultra trendy, popular and glamorous Sandton Square, right next to Sandton City.
Transport in Johannesburg is not a problem unlees you dont have your own. Traffic is remarkably low, but the public transport is not too reliable, so unless you want to catch a ride on the hair raising "combi" taxis ( a small minibus sort of car)...(a fun ride everytime!!!) then you should try to rent a car.
Its got a world class Airport which will facilitate your entry, so Johannesburg is a definite stop on any world-club hopping people.......just beware the criminal presence which hovers like vultures around the city ...

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