The solar system

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The solar system comprises of:

The sun:big gassey thing giving out light and heat and the big issue.

Mercury:what they put in thermometers.

venus:where women come from

Earth:mostly harmless

mars:where men come from

The asteroid belt:a belt made of asteroids.

Jupiter:the big one with the spot.


Uranus:source of many poor jokes.

Neptune:cough sweet.

Pluto:disney chrecter

Planet X:in 1791 uranus aws discovered. A science dude predicted its orbit but got it wrong. there must be another planet affecting it. So Neptune was disovered. But her orbit was also predicted incorrectly, and pluto was disovered. But Pluto is too small to be effecting neptunes orbit, therefore, duh duh duuuh! planet X is out there!
Also the source of geography teachers.

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