Wales v England, Natrional anthems

2 Conversations

Helo, Prince Monyn here, I am about to discuss the one song that can unite a nation and identify its induvidials: the National anthem.
If, at anytime the national anthem of England has to be sung, it comes out as a murmured blur of alchahol and "football's coming home". I mean, how many people actually know the words to "God save the queen"? And the lyrics themselves are only a list of adjectives with "Queen" somewhare in between. If you look at the National anthem of Wales, there are actually full sentences, verbs and lyrics that ryme properly. And if the Welsh anthem needed to be sung the words would flow out in a proper rhythm and all the words would be clear and definite. And all those who can speak welsh (and a lot of those who can't) know the words, even children of 4 years old. And everybody else knows the title, first line or at least the tune.
My crusade goes on ....

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