The Wonderful World of Television (or Stuff on TV I Hate)

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People have a fear of other people. Thus the successes of
blithering idiots like that Canadian wonder, Tom Green. However, he
was not the first to be uselessly(no matter how entertaining) stupid
in public. No, Candid Camera paved the way for violently surprising
random, unsuspecting, people-fearing people. I'd like to shake the hand of the highly paid TV marketing executive who had someone create the idea of this show for him.

Yes-man: "Look, here's a good one! We creep up on people, say "boo!"
or something like that, and televise them being terrified of

CEO: "Brilliant! Gentlemen, I smell ratings!"

But anyway, this isn't the "best" part of the glowing black
box through which some of us choose to worship the evil idols of
Friends(CHANDLER! CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANDLER!!!). Changing subject radically, those lovely networks which choose to represent themselves
as 3 letters all seem to have the same guy working on their new fall
lineups. Oh, yes, of course I'd still enjoy YET ANOTHER buddy show
with a token gay guy called Somebody + Somebody Else. I don't think the amount of shows like this could be counted by three astrophysicists, each with an iMac. Plus, these hour long dramas(99%of which star Jennifer Love Hewitt)thankfully serve to remind us that we actually have no lives(In two ways: a)Dawson has more happening to him in an hour than I do in a month, and b)You're actually watching it.)

Have you ever wondered why they don't have a CLASSICAL music
video channel? I mean we've got country, rap, pop...nevermind, I'm
not even going to THINK about that. Either way, I'd better go, I'm
missing Seinfeld(No soup for you!). This is Don Pardo for Lorne
Michaels and the cast of Saturday Night Live, saying "Honk if you
love cookies."

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