Education Context, Part 4
Created | Updated Mar 6, 2007
Last centuary, the 20th, saw technology progress at an unprecented rate. It also include two major wars, involving the majority of the worlds nations. Both these wars were caused by nations wanting to extend their particular views on the rest of the world by force. This led to the development, and only use, of atomic bombs. Whilst it is claimed that there has been peace since the end of the second world war this a view from Europe and North America's point of view. It has been estimated that 1000 soldiers and 5000 civilians have died as a result of conflicts EVERY day since.
The technology of the 20th centuary has seen the arrival of fridges, sanitation, fast international travel, television, and faster and faster world wide communication amoung other things. Most of these have been of benefit to Europe and North America with technology only recently penetrating the rest of the world.
The 20th centuary also saw the move from absolute rulers to rule by agreement, democracy, being extened to include all people. For example the last European democracy to allow women to vote was Switzeland in 1968. But again this development has largely applied to the Western world only.
Since about 400 years ago technology and science have developed hand in hand, sometimes technology leading to new science, sometimes science leading to new technology. The most recent developments in technology, notably PCs and mobile phones, would not have been possible without prior science and mathematics.
So, what is the status of our scientific knowledge?
next pagePotential second level topics.
- More detailed overview of 20th centuary