Crash Test Dummies

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The Crash Test Dummies are a band from Canada. For the most information, go to , I will, however, try and give a nice synopsis.

Band members include Brad Roberts, lead singer and songwriter, Ellen Reid, vocals and keyboard, Dan Roberts, bass guitar and synth bass, Mitch Dorge, drums and percussion, and Ben Darvill on mandolin, harmonica, and guitar. While on tour, Murray Pulver the Pulverizer usually joins the dummies on guitar.

The band has produced four official albums: The Ghosts That Haunt Me, God Shuffled His Feet, A Worm's Life, and Give Yourself A Hand. The interesting thing about the dummies is that on each of their albums, they change their sound. Their first album was folk-like; their second album, and most popular, was more in a pop style; the third album used more electric guitar and took on a heavy metal type sound; and finally the fourth album is where Brad Roberts discovers his falsetto, and makes almost a club/techno type sound. The fourth album is the hardest to describe.

This group has excellent artistic value. The lyrics pick on various aspects of society, while at the same time providing depth, and entertainment. The dummies are an aquired taste, so if at first you don't get right into their music, listen to it a couple more times, and I'm sure you'll start to be a true dummyhead.

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