A Conversation for Trotter's Curse

PLEASE REVIEW -Trotter's Curse

Post 21

The Wisest Fool

Pretty spooky stuff and an interesting story. Bit of an 18th Century X-File, perhaps. It's good and the linked articles are even better. Whether you could get all of them accepted is a moot point, but it's nice to have some background for anyone visiting Pennsylvania, which is after all the home of the Monty Burns vampire!?!
One thing - the 'curse' said "May another take his office", but the incumbent governor won, so it wasn't Wayne's office to lose. Still, why pick holes in a good curse?

PLEASE REVIEW -Trotter's Curse

Post 22

Jimi X

This state if full of spooky tales like this! And if you're into it, it's pretty easy to find out hundred of good ones when you work in the newspaper biz.

Glad you liked it! Odd that bit about "another taking his office" I never really thought about it. That was always mentioned as part of the curse and I haven't heard of anybody pointing out that little tidbit before! Good catch!! smiley - smiley

PLEASE REVIEW -Trotter's Curse

Post 23


I don't think the 1st paragraph works - it sort of drops you in the middle of something without explaining what.

Maybe, if you included a reference to Trotters curse & then started explaining the background of who & when etc it would work better.

I enjoyed it though.


PLEASE REVIEW -Trotter's Curse

Post 24

Jimi X

I'll look into fixing that ASAP! Thanks Bruce!! smiley - smiley

PLEASE REVIEW -Trotter's Curse

Post 25

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

what is there to say? great - I love those spooky tales... only two very tiny things worth mentioning:
"...Capt. William Elliott, Robert Hunter and John Horrell..." -> I don't get whether all of them were Captains or only Elliot, but I don't know the abbreviation for the plural, maybe it's the same...just because you mentioned three officers...
and I think the reference to your article about Mad Anthony is a bit hard to find in the footnote, if you'd bring it in that sentence about his share of the course, it would stimulate readers to go on and find out why he was buried in different graves...
just my humble opinion though.
I'll refrain from rating, cause I'm not quite sure of the system (1 lowest, 10 highest is it?), but I do think it's worth to be approved right away smiley - winkeye

PLEASE REVIEW -Trotter's Curse

Post 26

Jimi X

Thanks! I'll check those out and make the appropriate changes. smiley - smiley

Please Review - Trotter's Curse

Post 27


Great posting. I love the break down of the curse and what happened to each individual.

It reminds me of the curse that the Head of the Knights Templar gave before being burned at the stake. He cursed the Pope and Emperor to stand before God and explain themselves within the year. Before the year was out, both Pope and Emperor died.

Anyhoo ... I give it a 9.


Please Review - Trotter's Curse

Post 28

Jimi X

Was that Templar curse before or after some snuck away in a hay cart to found the Masons in Scotland? smiley - winkeye
Anyway, thanks for the read and the review.... smiley - smiley
Lots of Templar stuff on h2g2 lately! (is this a Y2K thing?)

PLEASE REVIEW -Trotter's Curse

Post 29

PenGwen: Benevolent Tyrant of Hebetude and Vivacity, Keeper of the Wonder Book of Useless Knowledge

Well, I feel like I want more. While you told what happened to each individual, I really want to know why Wayne's body was taken apart and reburried in different graves. An 'in conclusion' paragraph would tidy it all up a bit.
Also the first paragraph starts out about Trotter, and ends up being about Wayne, which is a little confusing. Perhaps a paragraph about each of them would help.

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