Soul Mate's Poems

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Dragon Wings

On golden wings

like lace unfurled,

you carry me free

far away from this world.

To gaze through pale shadows,

keen eyes of emerald green.

An ancient wisdom? Who knows

of the miracles you've seen.

Share with me your crystal dreams

of violet skies and silver seas,

of amethyst fields reflecting moon beams,

and ruby mountains topped by trees.

All these wonders to behold,

my Soul Mate shares with me.

But, all too soon, as I am told,

"We must come back to reality."

©JCK 2003.

The MAGIC of Haikus


Dragon wings unfold

Golden and laced with MAGIC

Scaling heights in flight


On a witch's broomstick

Familiar behind me

"Fly, fly my pretty!"

©JCK 2003

Otter Nutter!

A mustelid punk

Spikey is Lutra when wet

He's never a thug!

©JCK 2003


Wouldn't it be fantastic

if there was MAGIC

in a land that was dull and mundane?

With some magical creatures

like dragons and maidens with beautiful features.

It would make life one hell of a game!

©JCK 2003

Back to Front

I start at the back

and work my way forward,

it's easier that way you know.

To know of the ending

before the beginning,

it shows me which way to go!

©JCK 2003



is what the "SANE" call us.

Upon closer inspection,

and much introspection,

they question their "SANITY" too!

©JCK 2003

Life's Song

Feel I don't belong.

I'm lost

in the lyrics

of Life's song.

Strange is the melody,

the key,

it's all wrong.

Too deep

the bass,

too blue

it's cue.

Too high

to strive,

can't sing this tune.

Swinging rhythm

to and fro,

keep missing

a beat

in Life's tempo.

So now it's time

to sit

on the sidelines.

To opt out

of the chance

to join the dance.

To watch.

To listen.

To learn

to try again

to rejoin

the musical throng.

Not long

is Life's song.


©JCK 2003

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