Aliminium or aliminioom

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Aliminiooom or aliminium is used by Mr Fowler to make stuff, like; his car, spadoing-things and other general objects.
It is a metal, found in The Tray At The Back, or On The Floor. It is shiny and smells manky.
There is no use for it, really, in the real world, other than for aeroplanes, which, can be made from wood anyway.
The shavings from the left-overs after making it into pointless shapes are given to Miss Smith, who then glues them onto her head This creates an "Interesting" effect which, is a mess.
A late Roman tradition was to; when one saw a passing land rover (the old bangers, not the new ones) is to go "ALIMINIOOOOOOOOOOOM!" very loudly. If this is prefromed, then the "Aliminioomer" would get a Brass screw the next time they were in Techy.
Also, there are some rules to this substance;
1. Do not lick it
2. Do not sit on it
3. Do not bang it up and down on your nose
4. Do not ask for help from Mr Folwer (Fowlah) when sawing it up
5. Do not saw it like I do

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