My work life

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I am a software development manager with a consumer electronics company, which means that I get other people to do things that I couldn't possibly do myself. My job is to see that major software projects start yesterday, finish within a week, cost 1 euro, and are guaranteed bug-free for a million years. I also am charged with conjuring up developing resources from nowhere. Simple stuff really - it's lucky I went to Hogwarts when I was a kid <tongueout>.

Other than that, I am a normal(ish) type of person. I like good company, astronomy, geology, science, nature and wildlife, long walks by the sea, and time at home with my family. I am usually fairly reserved, but get me exited on something (or drunk enough) and I will waffle on and on about it for ages. I don't eat sundried tomatoes.

My job is not exactly the scariest, but I was in Turkey in August 17 1999 when the big earthquake happened. It's not funny to find your hotel swaying and creaking like a ship at sea at 3 o'clock in the night. I wrote an entry in this journal from Istanbul the day after it happened.

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