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Chittenango is a quaint little country town in upstate New York. It is roughly 30 minutes from Syracuse. We have a high school, middle school, and three elementary schools, all being Chittenango Bears. Almost the entire town is on one street, or at least all the major businesses in the town. That street? Route 5. Of course, there's more to Chittenango than you might think.

Chittenango is the birthplace of L. Frank Baum. For those of you who don't know, L. Frank Baum was the author of the Wizard of Oz. And for those of you who don't know what the Wizard of Oz is, I'm not helping you. In commemoration of L. Frank Baum. Every spring Chittenango puts on OzFest. It's a three day affair, in which there are a lot of munchkins from the movie, and a large parade. It's probably the most exciting thing that Chittenango does, and hundreds of people pour into Chittenango to see it. Why? I have no idea.

Incidentally, the sidewalks in Chittenango are made out of yellow bricks. We have an actual Oz Museum, with various Oz memorabilia. We have an ice cream parlor (which serves very good ice cream) called Oz Cream. And, we have an annual road run called, you guessed it, the Yellow Brick Road Run. As you can tell, if not for the Wizard of Oz, Chittenango would be a very boring place. So, if you ever want to see more Oz stuff than you can handle, come to Chittenango, NY.

True, Chittenango isn't all about Oz. We have several successful farms. Seriously, though, Chittenango is a wonderful little town, with an excellent schooling system. Not only that, they have one of the best cross country teams in the state, and an excellent soccer program (or at least have in past years). So, come to Chittenango, and tell 'em Josh Phelan sent you. They'll have no idea who you're talking about, most likely.

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