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The original entry on this subject has been critisised for being biased towards the original vocalist - Fish. The editor concerned asked for further input. Here's mine...

There will always be the die-hards who think that Marillion without Fish "just not the same". Well of course it's not the same. Steve Hogarth did to Marillion what Phil Collins did to Genesis, and moved the band in a diferent direction.

A quick run-down of post-fish albums...

Season's End - A good solid album which managed to retain a high proportion of M's fan-base. Much of the musical content was written prior to the split, which shows in places.

Holidays in Eden - Seems to be one of the less popular albums. Perhaps a bit popp-ish for some long-term af-fish-ionados. Strong melodic songs, but less progressive than other albums.

Brave - A true concept album with a narrative thread running through the songs. The album sleave says "Play it loud with the lights off" which is excellent advice for this excellent album.

Afraid of Sunlight - Excellent album which some feel was spoiled by one or two tracks such as "Cannibal Surf Babe" which is sort of Beach Boy meets Iron Maiden! - personally I liked it.

This Strange Engine - One of my favourites. This is a little more retrospective than previous albums, with some classic Marillion keyboard and guitar solos. Cracking stuff.

Radiation - A new direction for Marillion. Far less refined than previous albums - more grungy and hard-hitting. The new direction was not popular with everyone, but it does explore new territory. - Not out until next week (18th Oct)

Steve Hogarth manages to sound like his voice is going to give-out at any moment. A style which can take some getting used to. Listening to the albums, you get the impression that he simply wouldn't be able to cut the mustard live. That couldn't be farther from the truth.

Anyone who never gave Marillion a chance after Fish (><>) left should really give them a go. This Strange Engine, Brave, and Afraid of Sunlight are good starting points.

I still occasionally listen to the old Fish-fronted albums, but I much prefer the newer stuff. It is now 11 years since the split, but many people still don't reallise that Marillion are still going strong, producing ground-breaking, thought-provoking music into the 90s and beyond.

Adrian Bradshaw :-)

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