A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

c|_| part 24 - and Dead Frog is NOT Dancing Ermine of course not. I'm gathering theories already... I think...

Post 161

Jim diGriz

Oh! The link just suddenly got *much* better!

Maybe I will hang round for a while.

Wait... has someone nicked my drink?

c|_| part 24 - and Dead Frog is NOT Dancing Ermine of course not. I'm gathering theories already... I think...

Post 162


*pours smiley - ale*

Here you go Jim, now would you all care to move to the tidier section of the pub. Thanks. smiley - smiley


c|_| part 24 - and Dead Frog is NOT Dancing Ermine of course not. I'm gathering theories already... I think...

Post 163

Cute Red Haired Girl (Medium for the comatosed DD)

Thanx for delivering that drink to my page any chance of another. Vodka and cola please.

c|_| part 24 - and Dead Frog is NOT Dancing Ermine of course not. I'm gathering theories already... I think...

Post 164


*pours |_|*

Here you go, but would you mind moving to the "smiley - ale the 25th" forum, the link is up two postings. This forum got a little long so we moved it to speed things along. smiley - smiley

c|_| part 24 - and Dead Frog is NOT Dancing Ermine of course not. I'm gathering theories already... I think...

Post 165

Demon Drawer

Menza as you are propably now aware the Cute Red Haired Girl was be trying to run and hide from the h2g2 Bloodhounds. smiley - winkeye

c|_| part 24 - and Dead Frog is NOT Dancing Ermine of course not. I'm gathering theories already... I think...

Post 166


I know, but it helps to stop other people posting after the link. Well, usually anyway. smiley - winkeye

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c|_| part 24 - and Dead Frog is NOT Dancing Ermine of course not. I'm gathering theories already... I think...

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