A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

The Maverick Table

Post 1501

Angelecon, angelic warrior creator of crystalic weapons of all sorts

smiley - laugh
i will never get used to ur split personality Yar.

The Maverick Table

Post 1502


*to the trio*

You guys have any idea what he's talking about? smiley - erm

*shrugs, gets up, goes to the bar, orders two Maverick Table-fulls of smiley - ale (about 200 pints smiley - winkeye), carries them back to the Table, puts the other half on some other nearby table, and gets to work*

The Maverick Table

Post 1503

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Dylan] I think he asked if we were having a good time.

The Maverick Table

Post 1504

Angelecon, angelic warrior creator of crystalic weapons of all sorts

previously yes smiley - biggrin

The Maverick Table

Post 1505

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Dylan] Then I probably chose not to notice what else he was talking about and probably forgot.

[Zero] Makes sense.

[MMX] What was he talking about?

The Maverick Table

Post 1506

Angelecon, angelic warrior creator of crystalic weapons of all sorts

depends on who you mean MMX, or was it dylan smiley - erm
man i will never get this right

The Maverick Table

Post 1507


Are three heads better than one?

smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale

smiley - smiley


The Maverick Table

Post 1508

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Dylan, X, and Zero turn to each other and shrug. A light bulb appears over Dylan's head. He exits briefly and returns with a deck of cards. After shuffling and removing the three of spades, he deals each of them a hand.]

The Maverick Table

Post 1509



I think I won smiley - biggrin


smiley - ale


wot are we playing?

The Maverick Table

Post 1510

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Zero] Uh, gin. I think.

[Dylan] Gin!?

[MMX] Are you kidding!?

[Dylan] We're playing scotch!

[Zero] Ah, I'm not going to ask you what gin is, Dylan, because if I do, I know I will just curse myself when you tell me that gin is a light blended whisky.

[Dylan] Scotch is a game that's played in the Scottish highlands.

[Zero] Whatever.

[Dylan] In the game of scotch, kings, queens, jacks, and numbered cards are wild. The only card that is not wild is the three of spades...

[MMX] ... which is removed from the deck prior to the deal, thus rendering that particular card useless.

[Zero] I don't know why I hang out with you guys. I'm beginning to lose MY grip on reality!

[Dylan] And it's about time, too!

The Maverick Table

Post 1511

Angelecon, angelic warrior creator of crystalic weapons of all sorts

i prefer a simple game of 45 elimination personally smiley - erm

The Maverick Table

Post 1512

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

good? I'm Saintly smiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh

The Maverick Table

Post 1513

Dizzy H. Muffin

The Maverick Table

Post 1514

Angelecon, angelic warrior creator of crystalic weapons of all sorts

smiley - erm ok.........

The Maverick Table

Post 1515

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Dylan] [gesturing to Angelicon] Ph34r the 4|\|g3l h4x0r.

[Zero] That wasn't nice.

[Dylan] Go to hell.

[Zero] Been there, it's a great place. But if you don't like something, it's a HELL of a trouble to get your money back. smiley - winkeye

The Maverick Table

Post 1516

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours


The Maverick Table

Post 1517

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Zero] Well it is. smiley - smiley

The Maverick Table

Post 1518

Angelecon, angelic warrior creator of crystalic weapons of all sorts

*doesn't know wether to be smiley - cross or smiley - erm *

The Maverick Table

Post 1519

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

smiley - erm

The Maverick Table

Post 1520

Angelecon, angelic warrior creator of crystalic weapons of all sorts

ok then.... smiley - ermsmiley - erm

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